貝克曼庫爾特生命科學公司可以將 移液系統 轉變為整體工作流程的解決方案,從單一個Reader 到整合多個設備的自動化系統。我們的工程師和產品專員團隊在機械、電氣和系統工程、軟體開發和專案管理方面擁有廣泛的跨領域培訓和經驗,以及科學知識和背景,可以瞭解您的應用並提供正確的自動化解決方案。

Cell Line Development
Solutions for each critical step of the process of developing a mammalian cell line for recombinant protein manufacturing using a methotrexate (MTX) amplification system, one of many integrated transfection methods offered.

Antibody Engineering
Learn about solutions for automating the critical steps of hybridoma development that increase productivity and make it possible to produce specific monoclonal antibodies.

Learn about how Biomek ELISA workstations can increase the throughput and consistency of your ELISA methods.